FREE Webinar Series: How To Build A Long-Term Voiceover Business Using Email Marketing (1)
Tue, Jan 22
|VO Peeps - online streaming
Let the BOSSES Anne & Gabby show you exact steps to take to grow your client base using effective email marketing!

Jan 22, 2019, 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM
VO Peeps - online streaming, Irvine, CA, USA
Have you ever sat at your desk, looking at your computer screen, unsure of what to do to get more business? Marketed in the past, but could never get consistent results? BOSSES to the rescue!
In this exclusive FREE Webinar, Anne and Gabby will review the steps you can take on a daily basis to grow your business using effective email and will give you the tips and tricks for long-term, big-picture marketing.
In this workshop you’ll learn how to:
- The 5 critical elements of effective, long-term email marketing
- How to build, cultivate, and grow an email list (without sending individual messages or begging for jobs)
- What tech you absolutely need (and which you can avoid)
- The number one mistake voice actors make when sending an email
You’ll leave with concrete steps you can take to grow your client base. We'll also let you know how the BOSSES can help with the hard stuff, and avoid the major headaches that can come with doing it all yourself.
Can't wait to see you!
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