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Meet our VO Peeps VO Atlanta 2019 Scholarship Winners!

VO Atlanta VO Peeps

After receiving a number of amazing Scholarship entires this year, The VO Peeps and Gerald Griffith, in conjunction with VO Atlanta 2019,   are happy to announce the WINNERS of the 2019 VO Peeps VO Atlanta Scholarships! VIP registrations were awarded in Three categories: International, Youth, and National. We would like to take this opportunity t thank ALL who entered! You are ALL winners in our hearts and we don't take for granted the effort you put into sharing your story with us. Thank you! In the end, our expert panel of judges selected winners from an amazing pool of talented and deserving entries.

Congratulations to our 2019 WINNERS!

Watch our live announce of our scholarship winners and their winning entries below:

About the VO Peeps Scholarship:

Anne Ganguzza is the founder of the VO Peeps Career Education Scholarship Fund, which is a SoCal Media Pros sponsored nonprofit 501(c) (3) fund dedicated to providing both need-based and merit-based scholarships to qualified members of the voiceover community. Our efforts are focused on helping as many in the Voiceover Community as we can. Since our founding date in 2012, we have already awarded over $35,000 in scholarships and monies to members of the VO community!

Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause!  We recognize you have many choices of where to direct your philanthropy and take our role as stewards of your gift extremely seriously. You could help to change someones life. Your investment allows us to set bold goals in 2019, reaching voiceover professionals and aspiring artists around the globe with educational opportunity and a helping hand. We strongly believe that there is no more valuable investment than education and financial help when it is needed, and the life change it provides.

Thank you for your support as we continue to scale and reach out to the Community, providing educational access and opportunity. Your partnership allows us to plan with confidence, and your commitment to help create global change through education makes this possible.

About VO Atlanta:

Gerald Griffith, Executive Producer , VO Atlanta

VO Atlanta is an annual voiceover conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, taking place March 28-31, 2019. Featuring VO talent, agents, and other industry resources from around the world, it's THE place to be! Over the course of four days, VO Atlanta presents the best of the voiceover industry. Refresh your perspective and see what it's all about at



VO Peeps is a global meetup group dedicated to providing resources and information about the Voiceover, and related media, industries.

Also Awesome!

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